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The Mountsorrel Railway is part of the Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre. This website is no longer updated. For updates see:

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Mountsorrel Boys Brigade visit

On the evening on May 21st we hosted a visit from Mountsorrel Boys Brigade who came to study the industrial archaeology of the railway. They brought metal detectors in the hope of finding items of historic track work. They studied the overgrown area that was once Earl Lanesborough's private coal siding. Old sleepers and other track remains are still found here from time to time.

The group also used their metal detectors along the sides of the restored branch line.  

A number of historical items were found and all very much enjoyed the opportunity to study the history of the railway.

If you have a similar group who may like to visit the Mountsorrel Railway during the summer evenings, please get in touch with Steve Cramp:

Saturday, 26 May 2012

News from the Mountsorrel Railway Wildlife Warriors

Over 60 children and parents attended the latest Mountsorrel Railway Wildlife Warriors event. This was a significant increase in numbers and builds on the success of the previous event, and this was despite the weather being cold and cloudy.

The theme of the session was insects. The children had a fun packed 90 minutes at the railway, building insect hotels. Each child had their own wooden box, which had been hand made by one of our teenage volunteers during their Easter school holidays. The children collected up rotting twigs and hollow stems to put inside the boxes before they were placed at suitable locations alongside the trackbed.

Each bug hotel was named by the children and at a future Warriors event they will be able to return to see what different types of insects have taken up residence.

The children then enjoyed biscuits and drinks before going on a bug hunt to see which family could find the largest variety of different insect species. The winning family managed to find no less than 18 different types and won a prize!

Wildlife Warriors sessions are run by the Mountsorrel Railway ecology group volunteers. The aim of the sessions is to encourage children aged 3-11 and their parents/carers to learn about wildlife through fun ecology based activities and games. The events are FREE for families to attend and the next is planned for August. Please check the website for further details nearer the time or contact Wildlife Warriors leader Caroline Bowler at further details and to register your interest.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Will you be a Wildlife Warrior next week?

Our next Wildlife Warriors session will take place on Saturday May 19th from 2pm until 3:30pm. Please note the later start time than the last session. The meeting place will be the same as last time, i.e. the granite railway bridge at the top of Wood Lane/Halstead Road.

Wildlife Warriors are for children aged 3 to 11 and their parents, with the aim of helping to boost the wildlife along the Mountsorrel Railway through fun based ecology activities and games.

The focus of the May session will be insects. The children will be able to build an insect habitat and there'll be a bug hut with a prize for the family who find the most insects. The session will round off with a drink and biscuits.

Wildlife Warriors sessions are FREE of charge, so we very much hope you'll be able to come along to take part.

For further details please email Caroline Bowler:

From The Mountsorrel Railway
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